This page is intended to explain the origins and significance
of some of the icons and images used to navigate, punctuate, or
communicate in this website. All of these images, unless stated
otherwise, were created by myself, and are therefore copyrighted.
Most people believe that once something has been published on
the WWW it automatically make it public domain, and they are free
to use it as they please, JUST because they can access it..
THIS IS A COMPLETELY FALSE BELIEF! On the contrary, publishing it
automatically copyrights it!. At least, and as far as I know,
this applies to both Australia and the U.S.A, and probably 90% or
more of all countries in the world.
I would therefore appreciate it if permission were asked it these
are going to be used anywhere else, and I ask that I be given credit
for their creation. While I probably wouldn't take you to court
over it, I would be reasonably p***ed off and since everyone pretty
well knows where the images come from by now, it makes you look
like a right twit by trying to pass it off as your own!
This is the header on the front
page. Obviously, the kanku and the kanji were
not originally created by me, but this rendition of them, in combination
with other graphics and text, were. |
The background, used throughout most
of this website, comes from a scan of the fraying portions of my
dogi. I had to play with the colours a bit because, due to
the interaction of the scanning light, the detergent used, and the
3-D nature of the dogi,the original scan came out in white,
green, and purple! |
The belt is that of my instructor, Shihan
Doug Turnbull. I took a photograph of the embroidered ends,
then spliced them together with blank sections of belt. The thin
version is just one which has been vertically scaled. |
This is a reduction of the original header of
the front page, with a flash added for browsers that can handle
animated gifs, typically Netscape and MSIE 2 and above. It's not
used anywhere on this site, but I put a lot of effort into that
first image, so I've left it here for historical reasons! |
This is a link to the What's
New Page which lists all the information changes and additions
that have been made, on a day by day basis. |
This is a link to the page which leads to forms
which allow you to submit your details, or those of your dojo, or
of higher ranking Kyokushin yudansha for inclusion in this
website. |
This is a link to the Who's
Who in Kyokushin front end. The Who's who list is an attempt
to record all those Kyokushin (or ex-Kyokushin) yudansha
who are ranked sandan or higher. |
This takes you to the world
wide dojo list front page, where you can select the country
in which you are interested. |
This icon provides the link to the Kyokushin
Contact list, which contains the name, country, grade, affiliation,
and email address of kyokushin karateka on the net. Is your name
in it? |
This icon simply brings up the email window,
so that you can email
me easily, with questions and information for inclusion in this
website, that cannot be provided using the forms accessible via
the !
This is a link to the biography
of Sosai Mas Oyama. |
This is a link to the Current
Events page. It is a reduction of the picture of myself doing
a tobi yoko geri. For the full sized image, see my
biography. |
These icons are links to this
site's Guestbook. The original images were obtained from Icon
Bazaar, a veritable storehouse of public domain icons. Then
I modified them to suit this site. |
This icon was created in order to provide easy
access to the site Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) page. |
This icon, which is supposed to look like a blackboard
with WWW written on it, is the link to my Kyokushin discussion board,
the Makiwara.