Many thanks to Mirek
Mituta (mirek@uniserve.com)
for submitting this dojokun.
Przysiega Dojo
Bedziemy cwiczyc nasze serca i ciala
dla osiagniecia pewnego, niewzruszonego ducha. |
Bedziemy dazyc do prawdziwego opanowania sztuki
karate, aby kiedys nasze cialo i zmysly staly sie doskonale. |
Z glebokim zapalem bedziemy starac sie kultywowac
ducha samowyrzeczenia. |
Bedziemy przestrzegac zasad grzecznosci, poszanowania
starszych oraz powstrzymywac sie od gwaltownosci. |
Bedziemy spogladac w gore ku prawdziwej madrosci
i sile, porzucajac inne pragnienia. |
Bedziemy wierni naszym idealom i nigdy nie zapomnimy
o cnocie pokory. |
Przez cale zycie, poprzez dyscypline karate, dazyc
bedziemy do poznania prawdziwego znaczenia drogi, ktora obralismy.
Nie bedziemy stosowac i rozpowszechniac karate poza
Dojo (We will not use and propagate karate outside of the Dojo)
The following explanation is paraphrased from correspondence with
Senpai Mituta:
The last line was added by Shihan Andrzej Drewniak
so that karate could be safely taught in Poland. It was not so easy to
do that in Poland since many people were against karate, considering it
a brutal kind of "sport". Also, the communist regime didn't
really know how to deal with karate. In Poland Kyokushin represented a
large group of people, and when Shihan Drewniak gave demonstrations
in Warsaw the police didn't feel to comfortable with it. The Government
did not like situations where an uncontrollable group existed. Nowdays
the Government is "democratic" (cross your fingers) and Shihan
Drewniak is the Chief Instructor for the police. Kyokushin was the biggest
style of karate in Poland, with about 30-40,000 karateka.